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Meet Greg Crichton, our Geospatial Product Specialist

By 29 February 2024June 13th, 2024No Comments

Greg Crichton is a Geospatial Product Specialist at thinkWhere with a varied background in geospatial, from tracking cheetahs in South Africa through to working for a rivers charity in the UK.

With a passion for cricket and an ear for heavy metal, Greg is passionate about working in geospatial and providing exemplary service for thinkWhere’s clients.

Tell us a little bit about your background and career so far

I was born and raised in Johannesburg and have a BSc in Geography and Environmental Sciences from Rhodes University and a BSc Hons in GIS from Nelson Mandela University.

I have a mixed and varied experience that starts with working as a geospatial officer and volunteer co-ordinator on a Big Five reserve in South Africa, tracking cheetahs and engaging in conservation, then becoming a full-time field guide at private and public game reserves.

Following that I moved to the UK and gained experience in UK geospatial work with a rivers charity before joining thinkWhere as part of the geospatial team.

What do you like most about your current role?

This is a role that combines the ever-changing and engaging environment of customer support and data management with the forefront of geospatial development. There is always a problem to solve, and new solutions to be found.

What do you bring to the team?

Great people skills and the ability to provide a professional and friendly approach to customer and client interactions and relations. On top of this, a solid background in geospatial data and ability to learn quickly in the field.

How does the team work together and what do you achieve for your clients?

No-one faces a challenge alone. The team is constantly engaging with one another when times are tough, and solutions come from all corners of the team. This provides a steady supply of improvements and efficiency to clients.

What does the future here look like for you?

I see myself evolving as a manager within Idox, taking on more challenges around team management and customer/client relations.

What interests you outside of work?

Outside of work you will find me talking about, watching or playing cricket, jumping around at heavy metal shows, enjoying casual computer gaming, reading or watching safari videos to remind me of where I come from.