Connecting people,
places and projects

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If you rely on geographic information, groundMapper helps you turn that data into business value. It gathers location information from dispersed sources into one source of truth, allowing your staff and stakeholders in partner organisations to collaborate more effectively.

groundMapper also gives you deeper business insights, faster, using the power of location.

Bring location data to life
groundMapper lets you view, query and work with all location data, both in-house and from third parties like Ordnance Survey, Environment Agency and Forestry Commission. Interactive and up-to-date, your location data comes to life: view hundreds of different overlays, and drill down to see details like drawings, reports and images.

300+ datasets – here and ready-to-use

Streamlined processes for business agility
An agile business can’t sustain costly desktop systems, manual updates, paper-based maps or information silos. groundMapper makes geographic intelligence easier to understand, simplifies complex project management and accelerates collective decisions. You save time, money and resources – and see greater business success.

Ready to support your workflows
Take advantage of client-specific project templates ideal for your workflows. Progress and audit reports are faster and easier to produce, and live data views are always available to add context.

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Eye Icon

Get a definitive view of land and property information

Location Share Icon

Share location information securely with staff and external stakeholders

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Manage multiple projects from one, secure mobile-friendly web interface

Explore success stories

Insights for innovation

See how we’ve helped companies like yours innovate, find new revenue streams and stand out in their markets by leveraging location intelligence.

Cataloguing historic aerial imagery with NCAP

Curating snapshots of the UK with the British Library

thinkWhere supports Scottish Government’s R100 programme

Let's talk

We’re ready to listen. How can we help?