Louise Barnes, Chief Commercial Officer at thinkWhere reflects on our first groundMapper webcall.
Recently, thinkWhere played the role of a Land Manager with several sites to oversee. We had to update, maintain and process details of a sale of land that we manage, one of many located all over the UK.
Currently, all projects are held on a desktop GIS which takes time to set-up, is difficult to update and slow to distribute to stakeholders. So we took a journey through groundMapper. Over 300 datasets – yes 300 ready-to-use, fully maintained, fully up-to-date datasets – layered with our own business and project data.
- No IT dependencies
- No need for professional GIS skills
- No expert knowledge or training required
- No need for complex technical knowledge or a search engine full of web portals or piles and piles of paper plans
- Accessible anytime, anywhere
That’s why our attendees stayed on the call for 45 mins.
So fast forward 10 mins and we created our plan, now who needs to access it? How can we share location information securely with staff and external stakeholders?
Without groundMapper we would zip up datasets and send them to clients for them to go through a process of recreating a project in their existing system (which might be a different system to mine) and the above process, in parts is replicated. This takes time.
Or we can print a plan off and email or post it to our client which is a static view of how the data looks at the point of print. But this means my data is out of date as soon as it leaves my office and it’s hard to control its distribution.
As soon as any detail changes, I have to send it again, leading to many copies of the same project plans in circulation. This leads to the quality and accuracy issues.
groundMapper removes this by allowing me to grant access to projects directly to my stakeholders and whoever needs it. Manage multiple projects from one, secure, mobile friendly web-interface. All my stakeholders need is a web browser.
These challenges have a big impact on employee efficiency, productivity and profitability of businesses. It’s estimated that the costs of managing data can be anywhere in the region of 5-10% of revenue with employees on average losing up to 2 hours a day searching for data.
We’re on a mission to make location data an essential part of a company’s information architecture and as easy to access and use as email or Word.
Please contact louise.barnes@thinkwhere.com to discuss how digital maps and groundMapper can bring efficiencies to your business.